This year, we welcome the national winners from China, Egypt, Singapore and Thailand to compete in the Regional Finals in Singapore on 2-4 July 2019. Learn about the teams and their scenarios.

Team China from The Sino-British College, USST
Team China from The Sino-British College, USST

Xi An Vision Challenge in 2050 by The Sino-British College USST, China

In the next 30 years, the rapid development of technology could change dramatically the way we lead our lives in areas such as transportation, education, and energy generation.

For example, virtual simulation could diminish the need to step out of the house, a chip implanted in the brain can enable the direct download of information or the touch of a leaf with our fingertips can make one feel full. There will also be more diverse models for generating and storing electricity - even shoes could become new carriers of energy.

Team Egypt from the University of Science and Technology in Zewail City
Team Egypt from the University of Science and Technology in Zewail City

Orchestra VS Jazz, by the University of Science and Technology in Zewail City, Egypt

In 2050, two parallel universes will unfold. The first one is ‘Orchestra’, where nationalistic strategies and an extreme monopolisation of technology will lead to an orchestrated world where data and technology are controlled by the government and large corporates.

In the second scenario, ‘Jazz’, the world is more globalised, and technology and data are freely available, allowing small and medium enterprises to flourish. Egypt’s team explores these scenarios through Port Said, a city at the heart of the Suez Canal and an important hub for trade and commerce.

National finalist Singapore
Team Singapore from Nanyang Technological University

United We Stand vs Divide And Conquer by Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

In a future where climate change is inevitable, two unique scenarios could culminate when power is held in the hands of a few versus a distribution of power between community leaders and consumers. In the first scenario, Centralised World, the decision-making power is held by the government and large corporates who hold tremendous influence over people’s day-to-day lives, and individual privacy is largely eschewed in favour of collective security and expedited advancement. By banding together as one society, common goals and aligned efforts allow resources to be pooled together more efficiently, and large-scale infrastructure projects come together more rapidly. Artificial super-intelligences also allow for great leaps in urban planning, medical breakthroughs, security and safety.

In the second scenario, Decentralised World, cities fall prey to ecological disaster and social upheaval, and a new generation of climate migrants make their homes in previously uninhabited hinterlands. Self-determination takes precedence over government rule, which leads to a highly fragmented society where small communities are siloed and self-sufficient. In this world, localised problems demand highly specific solutions adapted to individual communities. However, the disjointed, laissez-faire nature of people hinders their ability to pool together enough resources to effect widespread change and formulate revolutionary innovations.

Team Thailand from Chulalongkorn University
Team Thailand from Chulalongkorn University

Homo Deus and Homo Sapiens: Decentralization of Knowledge and Degree of Economic Freedom by Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

The degree of decentralisation of knowledge and the degree of economic freedom are two critical trends that could affect the outcome of our future.

In ‘Homo Sapiens’, equal access, or the decentralisation, of knowledge, allows wealth and technology advancement to be more equally dispersed. Whereas in ‘Homo Deus’, limited access to knowledge to only those who can afford it means knowledge and wealth is concentrated within certain groups, further deepening the inequality gap in society.

Previous editions

Imagine the Future Competition 2017/2018

Participants from the Imagine the Future Scenarios Competition 2017/2018 share their experiences.

Imagine the Future Competition 2019/2020

Participants from Imagine the Future Scenarios Competition 2019/2020 share their experiences.