Shell’s priority is the safety and health of our people and our environment, as well as the continued safe operations of all our businesses. We are an essential service that helps keep Singapore running.

From the bottom of our hearts, we thank the people who work tirelessly on the frontline. For us, this also includes our colleagues at our manufacturing sites, service stations and our partner locations. To ensure their well-being, we monitor the situation closely and adhere to the guidance from the authorities.

During this time, we are also not forgetting the local community. We strive to be one with the nation and do our part to be #SGUnited.

Our colleagues, our people

The health and safety of our colleagues is our priority. We safeguard their well-being by ensuring: 

  • Safe distancing measures and regular cleaning and disinfection at our sites and service stations
  • Personal thermometers for staff to monitor their temperature and face masks to help staff stay safe
  • Home-based colleagues receive the necessary support
  • HR policies are updated to extend employee benefits and greater flexibility
  • Online resources to enhance well-being and resilience
  • Confidential phone counselling service for any staff who needs a safe space to talk about stress or anxiety issues
Pump attendant refueling car in face mask and shield

Meeting the needs of our customers

We have business continuity plans in place to ensure the safety and sustainability of our business operations and our ability to meet the needs of our customers and partners.

As a provider of essential services, we operate with the government’s guidelines on keeping workplaces safe. This includes working from home where possible, maintaining safe distancing and minimising social contact.

We also keep our service stations clean and safe for customers and staff. This includes:

  • Measures for safe distancing,
  • Stepping up disinfecting and cleaning, and
  • Coating frequently touched surfaces with a layer of antimicrobial protection.

COVID-19 affects us in more ways than one. We offered a helping hand to address our customers’ needs with what we can readily provide. At the start of COVID-19, we distributed vehicle wipes and water bottles to our fleet customers who are working at the frontline, driving ambulances and buses.

Man in orange polo signing on a board

Caring for our communities

Globally, Shell is working hard to assist in the global fight against COVID-19. One of Shell’s most significant roles continues to be keeping energy supplies flowing despite lockdowns in some countries. Find out more about our global response to COVID-19 here

In Singapore, we have a long tradition of giving back to the community. We work with our partners to identify specific community needs that can benefit from our strengths and capabilities. This includes:

  • In partnership with South West Community Development Council, Lakeside Family Services and Fei Yue Family Service Centre, Shell volunteers aim to befriend 130 families by the end of 2021 and deliver care packs tailored to their individual household needs.
  • Since 2020, we have been partnering The Food Bank SG to bring meals to families in need. We  raised over 10,000 breakfast bundles via in June 2020.  To date, the public has donated 9.4 tonnes of essential food items (equivalent to more than 26,000 meals) to Food Bank boxes placed at selected Shell service stations. Find out how you can contribute here. To deliver the donated food items to the beneficiary families, we connected The Food Bank SG with our Fleet partner and sponsored around 400 deliveries.
  • In 2020, Shell volunteers checked in with the elderly who have minimal or no family support via weekly calls, and provided virtual tuition clinics to students who are supported by Lakeside Family Services. We donated 150 laptops to Engineering Good’s #ComputersAgainstCovid campaign to support students who can’t afford laptops for their home-based learning.
  • In March 2020, we gave out about 20,000 care packs to taxi and private-hire drivers and encouraged customers to pen their appreciation to the impacted driver community on boards at Shell service stations.

Various community initiatives are in the pipeline as we actively look at ways to provide support and relief for those in need.

More on Shell’s response to COVID-19:

COVID-19 Updates

View the latest media statements.

COVID-19: Shell’s global response

As the COVID-19 pandemic seriously impacts people’s health and livelihoods, Shell is working to assist in the global response to the virus.